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This is a list of the most common games played at Dagorhir practices and events. This list is not exhaustive, nor is it the only list of games you can play using Dagorhir's rules. The beauty of Dagorhir is you can play any game you want, as the rules are only a system for combat itself, not combat's goal.


Bear pit

Players line up and watch a 1v1 fight. The loser steps out, the winner stays in. This continues, seeing how many the winner can kill until he is defeated.

Elimination Battles


A single life open field battle used to even teams and warm up.
Also known as: Stand and Deliver, Red Rover

Free for all

A battle with no teams and every fighter for themself

Kill your killer

Fight your enemies, but when you die, you stay dead until the person who killed you is dead!
Also known as: Full Res


Each player attempts to kill other players to enlarge their own team.
Also known as: Warlord

Scenario Battles

4 Corners

4 way capture the flag, where each team has multiple flags. Possessing all colors of the game is the goal!

Capture banners from enemy camps and protect your own camp.

Chess Battle

Two equal teams fight on a clearly defined square field. Each team has 5 special roles given to 8 different players. If a team's king dies, they lose!

Dagorhir Dodgeball

Javelins deal black damage and Arrows deal blue. Rocks are normal. If you catch a javelin the person who through it is out!

God Battle

Teams vie for the favor of the Gods who walk among them, brandishing divine power no mortal can withstand.

Indomar's Ragnarok Banner Wars

Capture banners from enemy camps and protect your own camp.


Two teams fight to smash a skull on a spike.


If you are the juggernaut, fight to survive. If you are not the juggernaut, kill him to become the juggernaut. Great training game for small unit tactics!

Kill the king

One individual is the "king"; when their king is killed, that team's respawn is closed.
Variations: Black Knight, Healer Battle, Medic Battle

King of the hill

Opponents fight for control of the hill.


The Monster is given powers or abilities that make it dangerous and difficult to kill. The hunters must use superior tactics and mobility to defeat it!


A Necromancer controls and raises the dead of the field, while the human peasants have gathered to stop him!

Priest and Paladin

Players divide into two teams, each with a Priest and a Paladin. The Paladin can convert enemies to his team by killing them, the Priest can heal and revive his own teammates.

Ring the Bell

Try to reach the other team's respawn point without injury!


Spartans have superior equipment but are limited in number. Persians only have blue weapons but have infinite respawns.

‘Tis Just A Flesh Wound!

'Tis a silly game


One player is the zombie. Players are killed and respawn as a zombie.


Pass the ball between players to reach the goal.