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Game description
Base Mechanic: Neutral Objective, Set teams. Plays much like Rugby or Soccer
Number of Players: 8-10
Number of Teams: 2


Required equipment:

  • At least 626ft of rope to mark out the field, or two cans of field paint.
  • Sturdy, durable, and preferably heavy ball to be used as the Skull
  • 2 plastic cups to be used as the goals, where the ball cannot fit inside them. (weapon check templates are perfect for this)
  • 2 daggers
  • 2 short swords
  • 6 medium swords
  • 2 small round shields
  • 2-4 flails
  • 2 longswords, or 2 spears

Additional equipment

If you would like to use regulation length equipment, according to tournament play, weapons are no longer than these lengths

  • 12" Daggers
  • 24" Shortswords
  • 30" Medium swords
  • 36" Flails
  • 24" round shields
  • 60" longswords
  • 72" spears

Jugger Field Setup

Field setup

The jugger field is 90ft by 40ft.

The corners are cut 14ft from each corner to create trapezoidal field ends. This makes the hypotenuse of that triangle about 20ft

The goal spike is a circle, the exact size of the skull, and is placed in the center of the field, 3ft from the edge of each team’s end, known as the baseline.

The Quick Circle is 10ft diameter, which is about 78ft circumference.

A line cuts the field in half from sideline to sideline, known as the halfline

There is a line from sideline to sideline in each half of the field, measured 30ft from the baseline, known as the startline

The skull is set at the center of the Quick Circle at the start of the game, on the halfline.

The player formation:

  • Quicks begin in the circle with one foot on the circle’s line, closest to their goal.
  • Shields begin directly behind their Quick, on the startline.
  • Slash begins to the right of the Shield, on the startline
  • Chain begins left of the Shield, on the startline
  • Pole begins in front of his team’s goal.
  • A timer is set to beep once a second, for 100 seconds, called Stones.
    • There are three 100 stone Periods to a Match.
    • A Game consists of 3 Matches.
    • The length of time from a game start to a goal scored is called a Round.

Each team will consist of 5 roles

  • Quick - Armed with a dagger. He is the only player allowed to carry the skull.
    • Optional: 12” dagger
  • Charge - Armed with any shield and a blue sword
    • Optional: 30” sword, 24” shield
  • Slash - Armed with any two blue weapons excluding flails
    • Optional: 30” swords
  • Chain - Armed with a Blue Sword and Flail, or Two Flails
    • Optional: 24” sword and 36” flail
  • Drive - Armed with a longsword or a spear (not a glaive)
    • Optional: 60” longsword or 72” spear

If the teams are 4v4, remove Chain, and at the match start, Pole stands in his place.

Game Play

Goal of the game is for the Quick to set the skull on the opposing team’s goal.

At the start of the game, the scorekeeper will yell “Time Start!” The Game begins at the first Stone.

  • If the Quick begins moving before the first Stone, a hold is called and the match is reset.

At the first Stone, Quicks begin combat in the Quick circle, for the Skull. Players outside the circle may not move yet.

  • If any player begins moving from their starting location before the ball is touched, possession is given to the opposing team Quick.
    • Getting into a stance by shifting one’s feet does not incur this penalty.

As soon as one of the Quicks touches the ball, players may move from their starting locations.

  • Players may not enter the Quick circle, nor cross the centerline.
  • Players cannot attack anyone in the Quick circle, but they may attack opposing players across the centerline.
  • Non-quick players crossing the centerline or entering the Quick circle results in death.

The field edge is a hard boundary and one step over the line results in death.

  • Players killed by exiting the field will count their death Stones inside the field at the point where they exited.

As soon as one of the Quicks touches or leaves the circle, the field is open and no circle or center line exists. Teams may begin attacking opposing Quicks.

Death and Wounds

Upon receiving a wound, the player may count 5 stone out of combat to heal the wound.

  • Out of combat is defined as neither trading blows, nor actively impeding someone from moving by taking a defensive posture. Therefore one cannot be “out of combat” while on the shield line defending, if no one swings at the wounded player.
    • Out of combat can be easily defined as being beyond the range of any enemy weapon.
  • Shields regenerate red hits in 5 Stone.
  • Out of combat count is paused if one enters combat, and will start at 1 again once the first stone is sounded out of combat again.
  • Wounds caused by a chain weapon regenerate in 8 stone.

Upon dying, a player may count 5 stone to revive.

  • A player may only start counting stones once the first stone sounds and they are fully kneeling with both knees on the ground to signal death.
    • A player may not start at “one” as soon as they die, then begin counting their res stone count at “two” when they hear their first stone. A player must begin counting the stones once they are fully on the ground with both knees.
  • Players killed by the a Chain must count 8 stone in order to revive.
    • Players with a chain wound who are then killed by a normal weapon must only count 5 stone to fully revive and need not worry about the chain wound.


When counting stone to revive, an opposing player may place a non-chain weapon on the dead player to pin them, within the 1st stone of their revive time. This causes the dead player to pause their stone count.

  • When the player pinning removes his weapon, the dead player resumes his stone count from where he was forced to pause.
    • A player pinned player that has been unpinned may not be pinned again within the same revive stone count. On the next death, he may be pinned again.
  • A Chain weapon cannot pin a player, however the Chain role can pin players with a sword. This is why the Chain is allowed to choose two different weapon sets.
  • Slash can pin two players at once, as she has two weapons. No other role can pin more than one person.
  • Shield must pin a player with his sword, and cannot do so with the shield. However, he may still block with the shield while pinning a player.
  • If a weapon is being used to pin, that weapon cannot be used in any way to impede or combat other players. This is in special regard to pole weapons.
    • The pole must pin a player by standing within arms reach, with the pole weapon as vertical as possible. It is not permissible to stand with the weapon much like a limbo pole to block off a route on the field of play.
  • The Quick is immune to being pinned, but can pin with the dagger.

End Game

A Round ends when the skull is placed on the goal by a living Quick. Skull must be physically placed on the goal. It cannot be dropped, thrown, rolled, or in the hands of a diving but dead Quick.

  • If the skull rolls out, it is not a valid point, and the skull is still in play
    • Any tie where the Quick is killed, or loses the arm holding the skull, while placing the Skull in the Goal, the Defender wins and the Skull is still in play.
  • At the end of the round, stone count is paused, then resumes again at the start of the next Round. This continues until the stone count has reached zero. This ends the period.
  • At period end, the skull is immediately out of play and the Round is over.
  • At Period end, Teams may take a 30 second break for water and strategy. At the end of this time, the Stone counter calls players to the field to begin another Period.
  • After three Periods, the Match is over. The Game is played best of three Matches.