Weapon Core

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A Weapon Core is an essential part of constructing any Red, Green, and/or Yellow weapon in Dagorhir. The core provides both rigidity and structure, and it is upon this core that the weapon's foam is adhered. There are many types of cores, and each has its own inherent pros and cons (such as weight, flexibility, and price/availability).


Fiberglass rods and tubes are the most common cores for Red and Blue weapons as well as Javelins due to their availability and reasonably low price.

Hollow Fiberglass (aka "Kitespar")

Filament Wound Epoxy Tubes (aka "FWET") are hollow fiberglass tubes commonly referred to as "Kitespar." Kitespar is the most common core for Blue weapons and Javelins. The most common size of kitespar used is .505" (called "five-oh-five") and .524" (called "five-two-four); the sizing here refers to the outer diameter (OD) of the hollow fiberglass tubing. While kitespar is fairly durable and rigid, longer kitespar cores are more susceptible to breaking or flexing out. Kitespar is generally not used in Red weapons.

=== Solid Fiberglass (Round) ===
Solid round fiberglass is generally considered the most durable weapon core, and is used by many in the construction of Blue and Red weapons.
==== 3/8" Solid Fiberglass (Round) ====
This core is commonly used in Blue weapons. However, it can generally only be used to construct weapons with core lengths of a maximum of 30". Longer core lengths frequently result in the weapon flexing out.

1/2" Solid Fiberglass (Round)

This core is commonly used in longer Blue weapons and minimum-length (48") "min Reds".