Shield Kicking

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Shield Kicking Rules

4.7.12 - Players are allowed to kick shields, provided the kicker keeps one foot on the ground. (No flying kicks!) Shield kicking must be done with regard for the safety of other fighters and will be monitored carefully by the Heralds.

Shield Kicking Conventions

As a shield becomes larger, its cone of defense increases. This effectively limits the angles of attack that can bypass a shield. As a result, shield kicking evolved along with shield checking as a way to manipulate a shield in order to create openings in an opponents defense. The form of kick that is generally accepted is called a "front or push kick" and is performed by lifting the knee upwards and extending the leg forward to contact. It is almost always delivered below chest-level. Any kick above chest level is usually be considered unsafe. "Side, roundhouse, and back kicks" are generally frowned upon. Delivering a kick to a legged and kneeling opponent, while legal, should likewise be performed with the safety of the reciever in mind and will be closely monitored by the Heralds.