Pass of the Crowned Bear

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In the name of the Realm of Barenheim, we greet the assembled Dagorhirim. On the Wednesday of Ragnarok XXXI, in the courtyard of Cooper’s Castle, the Regency Council of Bareneheim invites all Worthy persons and creatures to test themselves and their arms in the name of honor and glory.

At five hours after mid-day, we will ask those Worthies to present themselves, with what retainers and heralds they deem appropriate, and their heraldry to our Gallery of Gentles. Once all the worthies have been presented, the Champions of the Realm will step forward, make themselves known, and declare that they are prepared to defend the honor of the realm.

The Gallery will then present the awards for prowess, honor, pageantry, and bravery, and speak briefly about those qualities.

The challenge will begin with the Worthies fighting in a Grand Melee, using weapons more than 4 feet and less than 7 feet. The worthies will be divided into even teams. When a combatant is laid low, they will retire to their end of the list and may return to the combat after shouting their battle cry. The combat will end when the worthies decide that the dictates of honor have been met.

After the melee, worthies will be offered light refreshment and time to recover. When they have made ready, the Champions of Barenheim will take the field and await challenges. Worthies are invited to challenge the Champions with spear, axe or glaive, sword of war, arming sword and shield, mace and shield, or daggers, and declare whether the combat will be a plaisance or a outrance. If a worthy wishes, they may petition the Gallery to allow them to issue their own challenge.

When honor is satisfied, the awards shall be presented and the Worthies will be invited to retire to Barenheim camp for further refreshment.


Baron Sir Urdok of Sarmatia, Lord Regent

Thane Tycho of Sarmatia, Deputy to the Lord Regent

Roland of Barenheim, Minister of Lists

Ilya of Furia, Hand of the West